<<quella maledetta paura.
era iniziato tutto per quella maledetta paura.
ed ora stava finendo.
un tempo nessuno aveva quella paura, nessuno si immaginava
neanche di pensarci se non un attimo prima della morte stessa. aveva rubato le
speranze che lasciavano vivere le persone. vivere. era una parola troppo vicina
a quella "morire" negli ultimi tempi.>>
Luca era seduto nella sua camera. Sul suo letto. Con la sua
pistola in mano. Fissava la porta e qualche volta concedeva uno sguardo al
cielo lontano oltre il vetro della finestra. Non era stato facile trovare
quella pistola. Le stelle rilucevano. Venere in quei giorni era luminosa fino
ad un ora tarda in modo straordinario. Come se aspettasse. Aveva comprato la
pistola da un ragazzo, un certo Sirio, in un Pub, in centro, la sera prima.
<<il ricordo della fine della vita di suo zio però lo
tormentava. era successo più di dieci anni prima. era un ragazzo allora. ma
ricorda distintamente le parole di sua zia durante la celebrazione, in quella
chiesetta di campagna, nel riminese. Parlava di una vita serena. una morte
tranquilla. era arrivata la sua ora e lo sapeva perché diceva ormai da qualche
tempo di aver dato tutto alla vita e di aver ricevuto anche di più. era
arrivata la sua ora. era tutto cambiato da quando aveva letto quella notizia.
un tal professore che aveva scoperto una nuova sostanza. la sostanza non era
niente di speciale in se per se. e nessuno ci aveva fatto caso. nessuno aveva
dato alcun tipo di considerazione ai vaneggiamenti di quel vecchio professore.
diceva che quella "roba" avrebbe cambiato "la vita".
impressionante come di solito questa frase possa sembrare incompiuta. ma invece
lo era. ed aveva cambiato la sua a tal punto che adesso, a distanza di qualche
mese, si ritrovava completamente immerso nella paura da stare seduto sul suo
letto, con quella pistola in mano. Nessuno dette credito alle parole del
vecchio fino a che questo non tornò qualche anno dopo. Stessa conferenza di
superscienziati che, sempre più vecchi e rugosi, affondavano sempre più nelle
poltrone le loro ossa consumate. entrò. sguardo beffardo, passo sicuro, fin
troppo, sembrava. ma ne aveva tutto il diritto. niente in lui era cambiato.
niente. ma come in quegli anni neanche una ruga si era posata sul suo volto, in
più di quelle che non ci fossero state prima, nei pochi mesi a seguire molte
più crepe si formarono in tutti gli altri. non negli altri scienziati. in
tutti. la chiamavano il fiore del male. perché lo allontanava. il principio era
opposto a quello delle droghe che aveva conosciuto fino a quando gli spiegarono
il funzionamento: il fiore del male non dava una soddisfazione momentanea. non
regalava niente. apparentemente. forse per questo in un primo momento venne
snobbato lo scienziato. non aveva neanche una prova di quello che stava
sul suo letto di camera Luca sudava. la paura lo stava
mangiando da dentro.
ripercorreva a passi rapidi i pensieri che lo avevano
portato in quella situazione.
<<aveva provato quella cosa per la prima volta
masticando qualche parte del fiore del male. lo aveva portato una sera una sua
amica. i primi tempi in cui veniva spacciato. non era una cosa di cui si aveva
paura allora. in qualche modo avevano accertato che non aveva alcun effetto
negativo sul corpo. ed era certo anche che non c'erano, apparentemente, effetti
positivi. ma l'idea prese piede. dentro di lui come dentro tutti. il pensiero
di allontanare ogni tipo di malattia. di ritardarla ed arrivare a ripensarci
solo come ad un ricordo lontano. qualunque malattia. si sapeva che con quei
fiori del male si arrivava a non dover neanche più pensare alle più pericolose
malattie. come a quelle più innocue.
non si doveva più pensare alla morte. Ma qualche settimana
prima, una sera, capitò che la sua amica non si fece più vedere. Luca la
chiamò. Scomparsa. nessuno aveva avuto sue notizie. nessuno sapeva dove fosse.
conosceva altre persone a cui fare riferimento per trovare il fiore del male.
Chiamò e dopo alcuni tentativi trovò la sua dose settimanale. era incredibile
come un pensiero avesse potuto infiltrarsi come un virus nella sua testa e
avesse lì installato il dubbio. il dubbio di capire se fosse vero. lo dicevano
gli scienziati. loro lo sapevano. era ormai terrorizzato. era alla terza
settimana che non riusciva a trovare i fiori del male in nessuna maniera. aveva
saputo che molti suoi amici, iniziando con dei furtarelli, erano diventati dei
ladri di professione. tutto per comprare il fiore del male. fiore rilucente
nella notte della vita che ti porta a sperare che questa non finisca. come una
virale idea della possibilità di una vita infinita porta la paura della morte a
dei livelli che non ci si sarebbe potuto mai immaginare prima, così nasceva
nelle persone anche la paura della vita senza questa speranza. non ne aveva
trovata più. non era stata colpa sua. e adesso la cercavano anche da lui.
sarebbero arrivati da lì a poco a sfondare la porta? no. sapevano che non la
aveva. ma la cercavano. la cercavano tutti. c'era chi viveva per quella.
rubare, comprare i fiori del male. per paura di non vivere abbastanza.
ma si era reso conto che non era vita. non era più vita
quella di colui che non tenta neanche di goderla solo per allungarla
all'infinito senza riempirla.
non si era neanche reso conto che intorno a lui tutto stava
degenerando e il fiore del male era diventata una sostanza tra le più illegali.
ma perché?
perché allungava la vita.
perché uccideva la vita.
e lasciava tutti in un limbo tra la sofferenza di non vivere
e di poter, in qualche modo avere più vita, perché quella che si avrebbe la si
sta perdendo in questo momento per guadagnarne altra.
e la paura di star perdendo tutto non avendo più possibilità
di avere un fiore del male lo stava uccidendo. non era più sopportabile il
pensiero di non poter più allungare una vita che si era convinto essere troppo
corta. prima le persone nascevano, vivevano e morivano. adesso si viveva finché
si aveva la possibilità di trovare dei fiori del male. e lui non era più
riuscito a trovarne.
fu colpa di quella maledetta paura.>>
<< That damn fear.was started for all the damn afraid.and time was running out.a time no one had that fear, no one imagined even thinking about it but a moment before death itself. had stolen the hopes that people left to live. live. was a word too close to "die" in recent times. >>Luke was sitting in his room. On his bed. With his gun in his hand. He stared at the door and sometimes gave a glance at the distant sky beyond the window pane. It was not easy to find that gun. The stars shone. Venus in those days was light until a late hour in an extraordinary way. As if waiting. He had bought the gun from a guy, some Sirius, in a Pub in the center, the night before.<< Commemorate the end of the life of his uncle, however tormented him. had happened more than ten years earlier. was a boy then. but remember distinctly the words of her aunt during the celebration, in that little country church in Rimini. He spoke of a peaceful life. a peaceful death. His hour had come and he knew it because he said some time now to have given everything to life and to have received even more. His hour had come.it was all changed when he read the news. such a professor who had discovered a new substance. the substance was not anything special in itself for itself. and no one had noticed. nobody had given any consideration to the ravings of the old professor. said that the "stuff" would have changed "life". awesome as usual this phrase may seem incomplete. but instead it was. and had changed her so much that now, after several months, he found himself completely immersed in the fear of sitting on his bed, with that gun in your hand. No one gave credence to the words of the old until it did not return several years later. Superscienziati that same conference, increasingly old and wrinkled, sank deeper into their bones worn armchairs. entered. mocking look, sure-footed, too, it seemed. but he had every right. nothing had changed in him. no. but as in those years not a single wrinkle on her face had settled, more than there were before, in the few months that followed many more cracks were formed in all the others. not in the other scientists. in all. called the flower of evil. because he walked away. the principle was opposite to that of the drugs that he had met until they explained the operation: the flower of evil did not give a momentary satisfaction. gave no nothing. apparently. perhaps this was at first snubbed the scientist. did not even have proof of what he was doing. >>Luke on his bed room was sweating. fear was eating from the inside.retraced apace, the thoughts that led him in that situation.
<< That damn fear.was started for all the damn afraid.and time was running out.a time no one had that fear, no one imagined even thinking about it but a moment before death itself. had stolen the hopes that people left to live. live. was a word too close to "die" in recent times. >>Luke was sitting in his room. On his bed. With his gun in his hand. He stared at the door and sometimes gave a glance at the distant sky beyond the window pane. It was not easy to find that gun. The stars shone. Venus in those days was light until a late hour in an extraordinary way. As if waiting. He had bought the gun from a guy, some Sirius, in a Pub in the center, the night before.<< Commemorate the end of the life of his uncle, however tormented him. had happened more than ten years earlier. was a boy then. but remember distinctly the words of her aunt during the celebration, in that little country church in Rimini. He spoke of a peaceful life. a peaceful death. His hour had come and he knew it because he said some time now to have given everything to life and to have received even more. His hour had come.it was all changed when he read the news. such a professor who had discovered a new substance. the substance was not anything special in itself for itself. and no one had noticed. nobody had given any consideration to the ravings of the old professor. said that the "stuff" would have changed "life". awesome as usual this phrase may seem incomplete. but instead it was. and had changed her so much that now, after several months, he found himself completely immersed in the fear of sitting on his bed, with that gun in your hand. No one gave credence to the words of the old until it did not return several years later. Superscienziati that same conference, increasingly old and wrinkled, sank deeper into their bones worn armchairs. entered. mocking look, sure-footed, too, it seemed. but he had every right. nothing had changed in him. no. but as in those years not a single wrinkle on her face had settled, more than there were before, in the few months that followed many more cracks were formed in all the others. not in the other scientists. in all. called the flower of evil. because he walked away. the principle was opposite to that of the drugs that he had met until they explained the operation: the flower of evil did not give a momentary satisfaction. gave no nothing. apparently. perhaps this was at first snubbed the scientist. did not even have proof of what he was doing. >>Luke on his bed room was sweating. fear was eating from the inside.retraced apace, the thoughts that led him in that situation.
<< Had tried that thing for the first time chewing on some part of the flower of evil. led him one evening with her friend. the first time when he was a goner. was not a thing he was afraid then. somehow had found that had no negative effect on the body. and it was also certain that there were, apparently, positive effects. but the idea caught on. in him as in all. thought to ward off any disease. to delay it and come to think about it only as a distant memory. any disease. we knew that with the flowers of evil came to not having to think even more dangerous than the disease. As to the more innocuous.no longer had to think about death. But a few weeks before, one evening, it happened that her friend is not seen again. Luke called it. Disappearance. no one had heard from him. nobody knew where it was. knew other people to refer to find the flower of evil. He called and after several attempts he found his weekly dose. it was amazing how he could infiltrate a thought in his head like a virus and had installed the doubt there. the question of whether it was true. the scientists said. they knew it. was now terrified. was the third week that he could not find the flowers of evil in any way. had heard that many of his friends, starting with the thefts, they had become professional thieves. everything to buy the flower of evil. flower shining in the night life that leads you to hope that this will not end. as a viral idea of the possibility of an endless life brings the fear of death to levels that no one could have ever imagined before, so people born in the fear of life without hope. he had found more. was not his fault. and now also sought by him. would be arriving shortly thereafter to break down the door? not. knew that he had not. but trying. searching for her all. There were those who lived through that. stealing, buying flowers of evil. for fear of not living enough.but he realized that was not life. Life was no longer that of one who does not even attempt to enjoy it only to lengthen indefinitely without cluttering.had not even realized that everything around him was degenerating and the flower of evil had become one of the most illegal substance. but why?because life extension.because they kill life.and left everyone in limbo between the living and suffering of not be able in some way to have more life, because what you have is being lost in the moment to win another.and the fear of losing star around not having a better chance of having a flower of evil was killing him. was no longer bearable thought of not being able to lengthen a life that is believed to be too short. first people were born, lived and died. now he lived until he was able to find the flowers of evil. and he was no longer able to find.was the fault of that damned fear. >>
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